- Sulfate removal by nano-filtration.
- pPTFE membrane filtration.
- On-line analyzers for chlorine process.
- Hypochlorite units.
- Valves for wet chlorine gas.
- Valves for dry chlorine (gas and liquid).
- Control valves for wet corrosive chemicals.
- Isolation of start-up caustic feed line.

Battery Materials
- Non-metallic control valves for high purity precision dosing.
- Reaction pilots for precursor cathode active material (pCAM) production processes.
- research services for improving the production process and the physical properties of the precursor cathode active material (pCAM)
- High shear mixing elements for grain formation in precipitation.

- Non-metallic valves for sea water chlorination systems.
- Automated and control valves for chlorinated water, sodium hypo and hydrochloric acid.
- Flanges tightening by hydraulic bolt tensioner.

Salt refining
- pHcontrol and dosing management
- Energy recovery and purification
- Filtration and chemical separation systems

Materials chemistry
- Isolation valves and control valves for wet corrosive chemicals.
- Flanges tightening by hydraulic bolt tensioners.
- Heat exchangers for slurries and viscous products.
- Enhancement of tube & shell heat exchanges by addition of turbulators.
- Heat exchangers for gases or water with polymer fines.
- Heat exchangers for corrosive products.
- Heat recovery from low pressure vapours.
- Safety spray shields for piping flanges.

Raw material processing
- Isolation valves and control valves for wet corrosive chemicals and slurries.
- Heat exchangers for slurries and fouling products.
- Valves for leaching pads.
- Safety spray shields for piping flanges.
- Valves for electrowinning solutions.
- Chlorine suction hoods.